The historic building is being restored by the Blagoe Delo Nonprofit organization for Sociopolis, the supported living project.

What is the “supported living”?
People with disabilities often cannot take care of themselves, whether they live in families or in orphanages. In many cases they become hostages of the system of neurological care homes, as such institutions only support life. But could we call a life of a person a fulfilling one if he or she is completely isolated from the society and is constantly given meds?
Supported living projects are the opportunity for adults with disabilities to live independently, but with the support of health workers and supervisors who help them cope with everyday issues. That`s what the Sociopolis project is all about. This is why the estate is being restored.

The Aristovs’ estate now
To keep the history of our home village
The building was damaged by fire, but not ruined. It is situated in the historic center of Verkh-Neyvinsky, behind the Lenin monument and the Eternal Flame. The Aristovs’ estate would have dilapidated, but the “Blagoe Delo” team noticed it and decided to purchase and save it.
“No one else will take care about it, but the estate is quite interesting, beautiful, it has a unique history,” says Vera Simakova, the director general of the Blagoe Delo NPO. “We want to restore the original appearance of the 19th century building. It is important both for the residents of the village and for those who will move into the house. Do not destroy the antiquity. Restore it to make it support us. This way the history will nourish us”.

Why the Aristov’s estate?
The building is easy to access. It is a very important advantage, since people with disabilities will be living there, and it is essential that a person, who uses a wheelchair can easily reach it. The restored house will have a new wing for the rooms for the support living project. It is planned to open a bakery in the estate, which is quite a perk for the village. This is how the Blagoe Delo team wants to continue the tradition, as the Aristov family used to bake bread.
Thanks to the Blagoe Delo NPO, a dilapidated landmark can become part of a very different story and make people from orphanages and neurological care homes happy, because it will provide not only housing, but also jobs.