Dates of the project: 01.06.2018 – 30.06.2021
[knd_key_phrase]Building bridges – the development of higher education in social pedagogy based on practical experience as a tool for social reform and the involvement of people with disabilities in Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Norway.[/knd_key_phrase]
The essence of the project is to support and develop practically oriented higher education in the fields of social pedagogy and social work in the three countries of the former Soviet Union – Armenia, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan. A large group of scientists, practitioners, cultural workers and students from these countries will make a series of trips to learn about international experience and modern innovative methods of rehabilitation and social inclusion of people with disabilities. This will contribute to public progress and implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of people with disabilities.
[knd_image_section title=”Project objective” img=”230″ text_place=”ontop”]Promotion and development of the practice based on higher education in social pedagogy and social work as a tool of social reforms and involvement of people with disabilities in working life, culture and education.[/knd_image_section]
Forming multi-partnership of stakeholders, including universities, practitioners, integrated creative groups, NGOs and government bodies, the partners are working for the long – term collective impact on the development of a disabled environment in each of the cooperating countries-Norway, Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan.
During the project, social pedagogy will be developed as a new area for social work in the cooperating countries of Eurasia, new curricula and courses will be created, which will be tested and evaluated in accordance with the framework and situation in each country.
For teams of academic staff, practitioners and arts workers from each of 4 cooperating countries will be organized an international training course for teachers consisting of three one-week blocks to analyze new topics and demonstrate techniques, innovative educational methods/processes and educational programs created using international experience.
In each of the countries mentioned, inclusive art workshops (workshops) and festivals will be organized with the active participation of students as volunteers and activists to demonstrate the opportunities of people with disabilities, change public attitudes to involve students in the action of the social mission and promote the UN Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities. Resources will be allocated to ensure the mobility of undergraduate and graduate students, to develop competencies and strengthen the development of social pedagogy in the cooperating countries.
The steering group of the project (international meetings on the project).
2018-2021, 4 meetings of one day. Objective: project Management
The development of the Norwegian-Eurasian curriculum/program for coaches (joint curriculum development)
May 2018. Responsible: RSUC.
Development of training programs on practical social pedagogy (development of joint training programs)
June 2018-December 2018.
Organization of 3 teams (each with country specifics) in the cooperating countries – Armenia, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan.
Creation of the laboratory of arts and crafts at Yerevan state University (development of new teaching materials)
Duration: September 2018-December 2018.
Translation of literature and teaching materials (development of new teaching materials)
June 2018-June 2019.
Training for trainers Norway-Eurasia (courses, trainings and internships for teachers)
September 2018-May 2019, 3rd block of the week.
Pilot master’s program in social work / Social pedagogy in Georgia
January 2019-January 2021:
Introduction of social pedagogy as a new direction.
Piloting of elective courses of bachelor’s degree in social pedagogy in Armenia
January 2019-June 2020
Yerevan state University in cooperation with the mayri day center in Yerevan.
Implementation of a course of additional education in social pedagogy in Kyrgyzstan
January 2019-December 2020: 4 block weeks in social pedagogy for social work practitioners in Kyrgyzstan.
Intensive course / study visit of Eurasian students to Norway (Student mobility)
June 2019, one week. Introduction to the practice of social pedagogy for 12 Eurasian undergraduate students
and mA levels.
GRADUATE students from Eurasia to Norway (Student mobility)
August 2018 – June 2021
3 places in the master’s program RSUC in Oslo.
Guest lectures from Norway
Invited lecturers / seminar leaders from RSUC to Yerevan State University 1/2019 and 5/2020, to Bishkek 12/2019 and to Tbilisi 12/20.
International Inclusive festival of art and master classes in Yekaterinburg
Invitation of one coordinator / organizer from each country to get acquainted with the concept of the festival.
December 2018 (3 days)
November 2020: organization of a conference in Yerevan to disseminate the results of the project.
Introductory course in the” community of practitioners ” of social pedagogy
5 days in Yekaterinburg, 3rd week of June 2018.
Responsible: good business, RSUC.
Participants: 20.
Training courses: “Inclusive art workshops”
2018 (one week) and 2019 (one week)
Short-term courses in Eurasian universities for volunteer students and activists.
Regional Inclusive Art Festivals
2018 (3 days) and 2019 (3 days)
Organization of regional events on the specifics of the host countries.
International Inclusive art workshops and Festival
May 2020 (3 days) in Yerevan.
The lecturers and leaders of master classes.
Employment opportunity
– 2 undergraduate students from Norway to Eurasia 2018 and 2020.
– 4 students from Armenia to Norway 2018 and 2020.