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Daily life as a miracle

Katya and Sveta came to us from the Talitsky care home in spring. They have already settled at their workplaces and in the supported living apartment perfectly. Recently they moved into a new space for them, and Katya has spent a night alone for the first time and successfully managed it, although she was afraid to stay alone not long ago. Read about the little victories of the girls on the “Blagoye delo” NGO’s website.

Sveta works at a sewing machine on her own, goes dancing and gives broad smiles to everyone’s greetings. And just in one day Katya manages to grind items in a woodwork shop, to help with the cleaning of the second floor of the organization, and to attend classes in several studios. Seems like she never gets tired!

After the hard work, the girls hurry back home to cook dinner under the control of the supported living project supervisors. Afterwards, Sveta glues a diamond mosaic, and Katya listens to music and scrolls through TikTok — everyone chooses an activity to their liking. In the morning — back to work. It is such a simple and quiet life, it seems that there is nothing more ordinary, but some people have to fight for it: there is always a fear to forget to turn off the stove or not being able to pay for ones purchases in the store. Just being alone can be a fearful experience for people who are used to be in care homes and orphanages.

The mission of the supported living project of the “Blagoye delo” is to help people with disabilities live self-sufficiently. Our supervisors support guys in teaching them simple things that they have learned since childhood, but with the help of relatives. It is difficult to change the way of living for those who hasn’t learned about the housekeeping and the life in a society since childhood. But Katya and Sveta are serious about it. That is why they persistently master more and more new skills, and overcome difficulties.

Recently, Katya had to spend a night alone — Sveta was at the hospital for a check-up, and the supervisor was supposed to come the next day only, because the girls are already quite independent. Katya has managed perfectly well. She wasn’t even scared: she cooked some rice for dinner herself and cleaned the apartment. This is a small but nevertheless important victory. It indicates that the girls have become even more confident in themselves, which means they are one step closer to the possibility to live with a minimal support.

In the future, Katya and Sveta will move to the Aristov’s House, where a unique in its scope and significance project for the Sverdlovsk Region will be initiated. The house with a rich history will not only be restored, but it will also become a center of supported living for people with disabilities. Seven wards of the “Blagoye delo” will settle in it.

Text by Ekaterina Yurkova

Translated by Tatiana Naumenkova