February is over, and traditionally we give a brief overview of the important events that have occurred in the life of the “Blagoye delo” over the past month.
On February, the 1st, a new project “School of inclusive growth” was launched. Our organization participates in it together with the Ural State Pedagogical University and the Moscow branch of The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. This project will be implemented over a period of nine months and will include a number of activities targeted to the inclusive interaction of teachers, students and people with disabilities in the cultural sector.
The shops of ceramics, thermal printing, felt and wool held three free workshops within the framework of the “TeremArt, the Inclusive Park” project, implemented with the financial support of the Presidential Grant Fund. The program was tested during these workshops. It will be offered to visitors of the “Blagoye delo” from inclusive tourist groups. Senior citizens from the Russian Society of the seniors and disabled of the Verkh-Neyvinskiy town and Novouralsk were the first who had tested it. 30 people took part in those workshops. They worked with ceramics, printed on mugs and drew badges.
On February, the 18 – 21, the seminar “Hospital-replacing technologies of life of persons with mental and multiple developmental disorders” took place in the “Blagoye delo”. 25 social workers from 7 cities of the Sverdlovsk region attended it. These sessions, organized with the assistance of the Regional personnel center of state and municipal administration, were dedicated to issues related to the change of the hospital model of living of people with mental disabilities to alternative, family-centered one. The experience gained in the implementation of the pilot program of assisted living in training apartments in Novouralsk and Verkh-Neyvinsky was taken as the basis of such program.
On February, the 23rd, our inclusive rock band ” Waves band” performed at the annual music festival “The February rock” in Novouralsk.
Finally, the period of stay of the second group in our training apartment, where the experimental program of the assisted living of people with disabilities is carried out, is soon completed. Preliminary conclusions have already been made about how successful this stage of the project has become based on the results of that stay.